Genesee Country Village Nature Trails

Visited July 4, 2021

Genesee Country Village Nature Trails

1410 Flint Hill Road, Mumford, NY 14511 (Monroe County)

I used "Genesee Country Village" as my Google Maps point and that brought me to a gravel parking area that will hold 100+ vehicles.

74 degrees Fahrenheit at 9:45 AM, 84 degrees Fahrenheit at 2:00 PM

Toilets available at the nature center between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM

Dogs are not allowed in the village nor on the nature trails.

No need for long pants if you are staying on the trail.

No poison ivy observed during my visit

No cost to access the parking lot or the nature trails. Annual membership or daily fee to visit the village.

I enjoyed the nature trails with my husband before visiting the village and then again before we left the property. Depending on which trail you visit and how often you stop to take photos or read plaques, you will need one to four hours.

No trash noted on this walk, I am happy to report.

During the entire time we were on the trails, we had them to ourselves. When we visited the facilities in the nature center, Adam pleasantly answered our questions.

The trails are well marked and offer variety. Today, we visited the Lower Pasture Trail (.3 miles) and the Web of Life Trail (.8 miles). We also visited a short new trail, the Fairy Trail. There are additional trails and three are over 1 mile long. There are maps posted at most of the trail junctions and there is also a map provided on line at the link provided below.

The trail surface was natural. Though some sections were built up with wood chips or gravel. The Meadow Trail is mowed to keep it down.

The trails were not muddy but the Lower Meadow Trail was damp with dew as we were there fairly early in the day. The trails were wide enough to walk side by side. They were not perfectly flat but they had no notable inclines. The Meadow Trail was beautiful with bird houses and bat houses to draw in more species for us to observe. There were many wildflowers and fruit orchard trees. The Web of Life Trail would probably be best to visit in the spring when the highlighted vernal pool is full. The trail had information plaques and posts with sections of a cute story book. Adam says this story may change as time goes by. There were many large rocks covered in moss which were quite beautiful. This trail also hosts the maple trees and many feet (maybe miles?) of plastic tubing used for collecting syrup. There is a short Maple History Trail that we have visited during the maple syrup events in March. The trail that returns to the Nature Trail is also the Fairy Trail and it is very sweet.

We saw grape vine, Virginia creeper, vetch, mayapple, ferns, mosses, goldenrod, apple trees, phlox, and cherry trees. We saw a few chipmunks and gray squirrels while we were on the shady paths. Unfortunately, we also saw MANY gypsy moth caterpillars near the nature center. A DEC officer did visit the site last week to make observations and recommendations.

For more information and a map of the site:

For more information about Genesee Country Village:

Milkweed near the small parking area by the nature center.

View of the nature center as we arrive from the footpath from the large parking lots

Footpath from the large parking lot to the nature center

I am calling this the turtle pond as there were numerous painted turtles in it.

Little Library near the turtle pond

Painted turtles

Fairy House (the Fairy Trail can be found on the opposite side of the nature center)

The same turtles shown above

Frog pond to the right.

The bridge leads to the Lower Pasture Trail

Black raspberries AKA blackcaps

Grape vine and frog at the frog pond

Same frog at the frog pond

Vetch along Pasture Trail

Pasture Trail

Milkweed along Pasture Trail

Trail map and markers at trail junctions

Lower Meadow Trail

Heading to the Web of Life Trail

Web of Life Trail

Intertwined trees

Web of Life Trail

Web of Life Trail

On the Web of Life Trail


The Fairy Trail is new and is right behind the nature center

The Fairy Trail is new and is right behind the nature center

Fairy Trail

Fairy Trail

Harvesting wheat in the village

Flowers near Hyde House with Hamilton House and Stables in the background

Blacksmith in the village

Sheep in the village